Yeah, I got over my flu. I also caught up with my schoolwork, so I can actually start animating again. Now, as I'm writing this, I have a couple ideas floating around in my head. If you stop by here, give me some feedback about these:
#1: A Kirby Series
When I look at the collections, I see that there are two big, fat, gaping holes in them. The first is the Star Fox Collection. Talk about lacking. The second is the Kirby Collection. There seems to be some kind of general lack of interest surrounding the poor pink puffball. I feel that I can contribute to that. Kirby is way cool, and I think I can put up a sweet series about my pink buddy. Think it's a good idea? Tell me about it. Think I should go to hell for considering it? Tell me about it (and why).
#2: A "Link in Soul Calibur" Series.
Allow me to explain. If you ever played Soul Calibur II (for GCN), then you know how awesome Link was. I think that the arcade mode story could be used as a powerful backup for a full series. It barely scratches the surface. What with Soul Edge taking control of the random wizard, and such... This is a big one for me. Tell me what you think it the comments.
#3: Star Fox Series
Dunno about this one. Star Fox is the least submitted to collection on NG, but it'll be really damn hard to pull this off. I feel like I don't know enough about the Star Fox universe to do this one. Still, I'm throwing ideas around, and I might come up with something.
#4: Users, Unite!
This is a completely original idea. I want any users who are fans of games to come together, submit a character, and help me build a giant tournament fight. I need help with this though, so anyone who thinks this is a good idea and wants to help out, let me know.
That's all for today, I think. Eat right, don't do drugs, and stay in school!
- GuitarKirby