Sonic VS Meta-Knight P2 is coming along at a surprising pace. I may extend a series from this animation, using the miniseries as the origin. Some info:
First off, I'm not taking a Flash Animation course until after this summer, because the class is full. I'm sad D=.
Secondly, I'm looking for some truly amazing music from the Audio Portal. If you hang around there a lot, or if you're a frequent submitter, please, give me some suggestions. Kirby music in metal or rock styles is preferred. Please try to keep it around 1:00-1:30. If it's your submission, I'll be sure to list you under artists. Believe it! (w00t Naruto reference!)
In other news, I'm training hard for my next T&T meet, here in Reno. It's an in-house meet, so it'll be fairly easy, but it's an officially sanctioned meet, and it counts towards nationals. Here's hoping I do well!